We're Now Accepting Photo Submissions Until December 20th, 2024.
To ensure your images stand out, please take note of the following guidelines before submitting:
Before submitting your images to Billie Blunt Magazine or any publication it’s important to know the image and reputation of the brand.
To ensure your images stand out, please take note of the following guidelines before submitting:
All images must be approved & permitted by the photographer unless you can present a signed Photography Waiver Form.
All images must be in high resolution 300 dpi.
Do not submit images already published on your social media platforms.
Do not submit images of you chillin’ in your living room or kitchen that was taken by your smartphone. Images should be professionally styled, lit, and retouched. Pay attention to details like composition, color balance, and framing.
Do not send more than 20 images and less than 10 images.
We don’t have a specific theme for our upcoming issue. Just be creatively the best version of yourself, and fashionable.
If your images are selected we will notify you and request to receive all credits for the individuals involved with your photo shoot. It is solely your responsibility to get the correct spelling of the names involved. Provide a full list of credits for the team involved in creating the image, such as photographers, models, stylists, makeup artists, and designers.
Respect deadlines and include all required information, such as captions or descriptions, in your submission email or form. Late or incomplete submissions may not be considered.
Save your files in print-ready formats such as JPEG or TIFF. Avoid sending compressed or edited files with excessive filters. Avoid using watermarked images.
By following these guidelines, you'll present your work professionally and increase your chances of getting published. Our deadline is Dec. 20th.
Send your Submission to: submissions@billieblunt.com (Please allow 7-10 business days for a response.)

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